This past weekend a friend of mine said she was coming to town and would love to meet me at the pumpkin patch! Well, HECK yea I would! It is a rarity that one my friends venture out to my neck of the woods so I was totally excited! Plus I have been wanting to take Emma out to the pumpkin patch for some time now. Double Bonus! One of the cutest things out there was the pumpkin hunt. We got to ride a tractor tailor out to the Christmas tree fields, where they had "hid" pumpkins for the kids to find. Emma found her first pumpkin in one of the trees so she proceeded to start picking up pumpkins and putting them back in their proper place. And as she was doing this she was saying look, looking pumpkins! Telling us she was looking for pumpkins!
Jonah found one too!!!
My niece Harlie joined in on the fun too!
Claire was more interested in her stroller... such the life of a 9 month old...
Then it was time to take your pumpkin and decorate them...........
Then Emma played in the Maze!
She won a pigs nose!
Next, Emma took them for a ride on the tractor..... And Harlie became a model....
The general census - Everyone had a good time!
Too cute! I love the pictures!