June 07, 2010


As of today I am down 5 pounds! No not an earth shattering 30 by any means but a 5 solid pounds! And I am even more proud of my five pounds because I have lost them all on my own! No assistance from anything! The only tool I have used as my weight loss accomplice is www.mynetdiary.com

I have been very structured about what I eat; I have an occasional treat, but I am honestly eating really well! I am proud to say that I don't even think about Soda's anymore, this post aside.

Here are the small changes I have made in my life.
I take at least three flights of stairs (up and down) everyday when I am at work. I have also started walking a minimum of one mile a day when I am at work, this is so easy, where I work there is a walkers route that is inside and air conditioned so I don't even have to break a sweat! It is awesome! Usually takes about 15 minutes to walk. Eleven laps around my building and all done! Then once a week I do Ashtanga Yoga, which I have to say has been a big game changer for me.
Things I did not know about Yoga
  1. It really does tone your body - I was a nonbeliever until I met Rachel my yoga instructor
  2. It helps with your allergies - WHO knew!
  3. It is calming - I have never done anything so relaxing in my life
  4. I have seen more benefits out of the last 10 weeks of yoga than I ever got out of 10 weeks of running. My body feels stronger! I wish I would have had this opportunity right after I had Emma, because my abs were shot!
Another addition I will be making is bike riding. Brian and I used to go on Bike rides all the time around our little town. That is until we had Emma. Then we put that on the back burner for obvious reasons. Well yesterday we decided we are ready to hit the pavement again! So we got a tailor for Emma and we got us a couple new bikes and we are ready to ride! That below is a picture of my new bike! What a beauty! I have to say that when I was trying it out; I almost busted multiple times! There is a different center of balance on a cruiser vs. a 10 or12 speed.
I have changed the way I look at working out; I no longer believe that I need to push myself to the point of exhaustion to believe that I am benefiting my body. I would have never have believed that if it would not have been for my introduction to Yoga.

And Tomorrow I go in for my surgery! I can not WAIT to breath!


  1. I'm proud of you woman! And I am ready for yoga!

  2. This is so great, D!!! Way to go - you kick major buttocks!!!! I'm proud of you too!
