Pottery Barn Kids
Did you know that they give you a complimentary design consultation to assist in the planning of the room. They also provide this service for updating your child's room.
The SidekickTM Original Joy

I think this is fantastic! It is a baby carrier and diaper bag all in one! To say I love this would be an understatement; yesterday Baby steals had it featured for $59! I know some people do not like to wear their baby; but I, on the other hand am a total baby wearer! I wore Emma everywhere, and daddy wore Emma everywhere. My baby carrier was truly amazing when my bird bladder would kick in and OH no! Where am I going to put Emma? SCORE, I have my baby carrier on. Not a problem.
A couple of other cool websites:
Kid Steals
Mama Bargains
That bag is awesome!!! I think I might need to get one for the next baby round. :)