December 09, 2010

tipping my photography hat

I might do more of these photography posts because they were make me think back to my basic photography days of when I was studying photography at SHSU.

Here are some quick tips that I came across in a photography magazine that I picked up for free at my favorite local photo shop, Precision Camera on Lamar.

  1. Darker -medium to dark background
  2. Depth - spot foreground, middle ground and background (a full wall of ivy is beautiful but does not make an movement for the eye)
  3. Dense - avoid background that have hot spots of sunlight and shadow
  4. Design - look for leading lines, patterns and diagonals in a location
  5. Diverse - try to find one location that offers multiple perspectives
Keep in mind all of these are just tips. You are your own designer, so bend and break the rules as you see fit for your composition.

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