May 06, 2010


Do you have cankels?

I just watched an interesting short video from Dr. Oz. Essentially there are two types of cankels.
  1. cankels you are born with
  2. development over time due to fat increase (also a temporary side effect from Pregnancy)
So, if you have cankels he said to do the pressure test. Put your finger and press on the cankel, if it makes an indention it is from swelling and fat accumulation.

Bottom line if you want to get rid of them exercise! He specifically named jumping rope will help redistribute the accumulation of fat and reduce the size of the cankel giving you more muscle definition. He also noted that it could be an underling issue of a heart or kidney funtion issue.

Watch the Video:

* image from Go Go Gadget, Go!


  1. LOL! D, I love that I can find such random posts on your blog. But this is a very educational one. I will spread the word :)

  2. HAHAHA - I so needed this morning giggle!
    Good stuff!

  3. So...I did the "Cankle Self-Assessment" will be glad to know, test was negative! But, I think I need a 2nd opinion.

  4. there is always lipo for the cankels ;-)

  5. I have cankels and I am not ashamed!! :)
    I see no point in exercising..I love them.
